If you do a quick search on the internet, you’ll come up with a list of the different business insurance coverages you need. Then you can quickly go to an online business insurance provider to check off the coverages you need, and you’re done! Right? Well, a professional insurance agent probably would advise against this. You’ll probably get general coverage, but you might be missing out on some coverage types that could break your company, leave your employees without a job, and destroy everything you’ve worked for over many years.
Here are some of the main types of insurance you’ll probably find if you do a quick search:
Professional liability – covers negligence over work done or underperformed. Think accounting errors, misleading advertising, etc. This is will probably differ depending on the industry, so an experienced agent can advise on your industry, company size, and more.
Property insurance – this is a biggie and can completely change depending on your business. You might just need to protect a couple of computers, or you might have buildings. And don’t forget about inventory, raw materials, and more. Is your building in a flood zone? That needs to be figured in and will require an additional policy.
Workers’ compensation – as soon you hit three employees, you have to have workers’ compensation in Georgia. But what if they are seasonal or part-time? Or work from their homes? This is where an independent agent spends the time to find you the right insurance.
Vehicle insurance – you probably don’t need this if you don’t have company vehicles. Right? But what about your employees driving their personal vehicles to company appointments? Or rental cars on business trips? Again, have an agent explain the coverage options.
Product liability – did your product make someone sick? Are they taking you to court, and you’ll have to pay thousands in lawyer fees? That’s not covered under the professional liability listed above.
There are several other types of business insurance that might pertain to your company activities and industry – bonds, garage liability, cargo, ocean marine, event insurance, etc. Not only can having these make a difference to your company’s future, but they may also make a difference in which customers or vendors do business with you.
Leaving your business to an online form may not protect you. We’re a business ourselves and understand the risks and the responsibilities. It costs nothing for business insurance quotes, and we look forward to forming a long-term partnership with you and your business in Tifton, Moultrie, GA, Valdosta, Albany, GA, Sylvester, GA, and the surrounding areas.