When you own and operate a business there is perhaps no greater thing you can do than arm yourself with comprehensive commercial insurance protection, and an essential part of that protection is workers compensation insurance coverage.
In fact, workers compensation insurance is so important that it is required by law for most Georgia businesses, with very few exceptions.
While workers compensation insurance protection is essential for businesses, there is still some confusion about what it entails and exactly how it helps workers and employees. Keep reading to learn some important things about workers compensation insurance:
- Lawsuit Protection – You may think that workers compensation was created just for workers, but nothing could be further from the truth. Workers’ compensation was created to protect businesses from lawsuits. Without it, workers would have no choice but to sue companies for work related injuries.
- Full Coverage – Your workers compensation insurance will provide coverage for all your employees, including part-time, full-time, and work-on-contract employees.
- Partial Fault – Even if workers are found partially at fault, they may still be able to file a workers compensation claim. The only reason why a worker would not be able to file a claim is if they were under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the incident.
At Brownlee Agency Insurance Solutions, we proudly offer workers compensation insurance in Valdosta, Tifton, Albany, GA, Sylvester, GA, Moultrie, GA, and the surrounding areas. Providing commercial insurance solutions dating back to 1974, we are the preferred choice for affordable business coverage in our area. In addition to our nearly 50 years in business, our team has over two centuries of combined experience as insurance agents, making us the most experienced and reliable independent insurance agency in our community.
Whatever you need, we are there to make business easier for you with comprehensive and affordable commercial insurance solutions. Contact us today to learn more about workers compensation insurance in Valdosta, Tifton, Albany, GA, Sylvester, GA, Moultrie, GA, and businesses in the surrounding communities.